According to rumors doing the rounds of the Silicon Valley blog circuit, Instagram will be launching its video sharing capabilities on June 20th at a Facebook ‘Big Ideas’ press event. Although clear details are yet to be received, Techcrunch notes that their anonymous source has confirmed the news and its launch at the press event. Facebook has also been rumored to be working on a feed reading (RSS) service, now that Google Reader is nearing the date of its impending demise. If the news is true, it can be seen that Facebook is actively attacking many areas in a bid to drive up the usage and thus the dependability on Facebook’s platform. Video sharing would make sense for Instagram because that is the logical growth for a platform like that. Also, since Instagram will sooner or later be integrated deeper into Facebook’s platform, it makes sense for their photo product to also have video sharing features so as to complete the feature gap. Facebook and Twitter were more or less head to head when it came to social media and sharing innovations but Twitter took the lead when it debuted Vine first for iOS and then for Android . Vine has been seeing good traction and also has been hailed as new tool for citizen journalism and also as an outlet for creativity. Facebook, will understandably not want to be left behind and is now looking to ‘copy’ successful features from Twitter onto their platform. The first instance of this inspired feature set was the simplification of the default timeline coupled with graph search which adapts easily to mobile. The next bit was Facebook adding #hashtags in a bid to index content on its platform in a better way. Vine recently surged ahead of Instagram in terms of the number of shares on Twitter. This new feature may get it back on top although I am not very sure about it yet. Instagram has a good user base and that should definitely factor in. Source | Techcrunch Looking For A Social Media Agency?? – Contact WATConsult – India’s Leading Social Media Agency
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